Douglas William Oliver-Chairperson - introducing his association

When was your association founded?


Where is your association based, how many members do you have & in how many countries?

South Africa.

Members 475

Countries is 20

Who are your members?

Pharmacologists in academia, research institutions, industry, government and non-government.

What is your mission & aim of the association?

AIMS: The ‘Pharmacology for Africa’ initiative (PharfA) aims to organise and promote pharmacology on the African continent. Its activities involve the stimulation and coordination of local societal organisation, promotion of research in basic and clinical pharmacology, teaching in pharmacology and continued professional development (life-long learning). It aims to be truly representative of all countries and regions in Africa


Serving the needs of African pharmacologists and societies:

  • identify needs through questionnaires/workshops etc. (e-learning, computer aided learning, integrated teaching, research, etc.)

  • create an environment for improved networking and collaboration between African pharmacologists and clinicians (including technology & communication)

  • develop programs for exchange of students and academics

  • help in the development of pharmacology syllabi for the teaching/learning of pharmacology to health professionals and scientists

  • Developed and Foster Legacy Opportunities

    What are the major challenges facing your association?

  • Funding to support the activities


What kind of events are organised by your association?

  • Training Workshops

  • Continental conferences

  • Symposiums, National Continentally and internationally

  • Strategic meetings

  • General assembly

  • Scholar exchange.


What is the decision process behind the selection of a destination/venue?

  • Values

  • Quality

  • Affordability

  • Networking

  • Innovation

  • Funding

  • Logistical and Tech support

  • Branding


Can you share your insights about the latest trends within the association community?

Industry 4.0 opportunities

What does your association do in terms of legacy, do your meetings have a societal impact on the destination?

  • Empower and create opportunities for young scientists

  • Support of Established Researcher and practitioners

Are you looking to forge collaborations with other associations? If so in what areas of expertise?


  • Pharmaceutical industries

  • Funding institutions

  • Non-government organisation within the health sector

  • Science agencies

  • Organisations such as African union

 For more information on Pharmacology for Africa you can check their website: