Calling for candidates to stand for election for the Mexico Committee Chair
Mr. Jair Lopez has been acting as the Mexico Committee Chair for the past one year and a half. Unfortunately Mr. Jair Lopez indicated that due to other obligations he needs to resign from his position as the Mexico Committee Chair. Therefore we are now calling for candidates to come forward who are interested to stand for elections as the Mexico Committee Chair. All Mexico Members are welcome to stand for the positions of Mexico Committee Chair provided they meet the requirements as mentioned below.
Persons interested in standing for election should be:
• Members of ICCA in good standing.
• Must be the official ICCA contact person for their organisation.
• Candidates should be nominated by a member of the Mexico Chapter, who must be the official contact person for ICCA and, a member in good standing.
• And seconded by a member of the Mexico Chapter, who must be the official contact person for ICCA and, a member in good standing.
(Being a member in good standing means that the organisation of the official contact person has paid the 2022 Membership Fee)
Interest to stand for election for the above positions along with the written nomination and written second (emails are acceptable) should reach Natasza Tardio at before 17:00 hrs., Amsterdam time on Sunday 27 March 2022.
Should there be more than 1 candidate per vacancy standing for election a list of candidates with an electronic ballot will be emailed to Mexico Members latest by Monday 4 April 2022.