Upon registration each delegate is requested to provide data on one major international event they have recently been involved with, and to be willing to share their insights and inside knowledge about this event with other delegates throughout the congress. ICCA Data will support delegates in ensuring that an unprecedented amount of commercially important data will be exchanged during the congress, turning the event into a massive intelligence gathering opportunity.

The format is designed to ensure that commercial confidentiality issues are respected whilst encouraging interaction between the different sectors of ICCA membership. Adequate time and space will be scheduled during an ICCA event to enable pre-set and ad hoc meetings and information exchange to take place between delegates.

It’s all about sharing leads about non-repeat business. You don’t have to be afraid of losing business because as soon as a piece of association business is yours, it won’t come back for 15 years or so. Verbal sharing of information is a purely voluntary matter; confidential data can be held back. All written material is included longer term in the online association database and is accessible to all members.

All BE delegates are asked to give additional information in advance to events which were inputted into the database online. This is information regarding the decision making process, government support, matters relating to the budget and details on gala dinners, for instance.