
The word "legacy" conveys the idea of building something over a long period of time. It refers to something an organisation leaves behind — their gift to the community. 

ICCA is committed to its position as a leader and resource for association legacy initiatives. Associations recognise the positive role they play as educators, influencers, and drivers of societal change, which is accomplished by moving content from the conference hall into the community. The desire to leave a legacy and make positive impacts at meeting destinations has a dramatic impact on the location selection process. 



ICCA provides members with an expansive resource hub of legacy stories, and transferable information. Our emphasis on the importance of legacy inspires members to create their own legacy narratives and incorporate them into their bids.  

Our industry has an important platform on the international stage. ICCA is committed to using this visibility to promote events and meetings that positively impact their host destinations. We are a proud advocate of the legacy potential our community shares at a local, regional, and international level. We recognise that legacy stories create connections, reach into every continent and sector, build economies, impact lives, and benefit communities.  

Using legacy as a guiding principle for what we do allows us to make a positive and uplifting difference wherever we go. It gives us a narrative to communicate our importance on the global stage.