
As one of our four main pillars, sustainability is incredibly important to ICCA. Our heritage and reach puts us in a unique position to be a true global advocate for sustainability in the international events and meetings industry.  



We work with established sustainability partners like the Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDS) to assess the environmental impact of our own events. ICCA is also a founding partner of the Net Zero Carbon Events Roadmap, which sets the events industry on a common journey toward net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

Sustainability also means making a commitment to the health and well-being of our industry by advocating for sustainable growth through education, knowledge transfer, policy changes, and job creation.


Net Zero Carbon Events Banner

ICCA is built on sharing knowledge and building trust, and this helps us frame our sustainability proposition. We recognise some countries and communities are further down the road to sustainability than others, but we believe we can inspire members to develop their own sustainable best practices and show the positive and lasting effects their events can bring to their community and brand profile. 


The UNSDG’s give us all a common benchmark. ICCA understands what our industry needs to do to change perceptions and take the initiative to change the way we work.