Global Industry News

Welcome to Adria Congrex

This Month we get to know better Adria Congrex: What was your motivation to join ICCA? For us, joining ICCA is like the culmination of a journey that has taken us from a small local reality to an…

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Researcher of the month May

The BI feedback button is your friend! The more you use it, the more concrete information you get. ICCA members - together with the ICCA team - are working hard to achieve a mutually beneficial…

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Welcome to WildChina

This Month we get to know better WildChina: What was your motivation to join ICCA? For over 20 years, WildChina has been at the forefront of crafting award-winning immersive programs, meetings and…

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Welcome to Pohang

This Month we get to know better Pohang: What was your motivation to join ICCA? The construction of the Pohang International Exhibition Convention Center (also known as POEX) and entry into the…

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Researcher of the month April

The red update button is your friend! The more you use it, the more concrete information you get. ICCA members - together with the ICCA team - are working hard to achieve a mutually beneficial…

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Welcome to InterForum

This Month we get to know better InterForum: What was your motivation to join ICCA? The primary motivation for joining the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) is to enhance…

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Partnering For Success 2024

ICCA is excited to share - ICCA Partnering for Success 2024 – providing regional insights into the global association meetings industry. This report is a must-read if you want to discover new places…

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ICCA Spotlight on Associations May 2024

Each month we’ll feature someone from the ICCA Association Community and ask them to share their vision, mission, thoughts and feelings about the work they do… and the kind of people they are. This…

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Welcome to WildChina Jun 21
21 June 2024

Welcome to WildChina

  • 5 minutes

This Month we get to know better WildChina: What was your motivation to join ICCA? For over 20…

Welcome to Pohang Jun 21
21 June 2024

Welcome to Pohang

  • 5 minutes

This Month we get to know better Pohang: What was your motivation to join ICCA? The construction of…