The BI feedback button is your friend! The more you use it, the more concrete information you get. ICCA members - together with the ICCA team - are working hard to achieve a mutually beneficial situation of sharing information on the ICCA Business Intelligence Database. 

Keep finding ways to press it and you'll be in the running to become the next Researcher of the Month - or even Researcher of the Year!

Diego Frank, Business Development Manager at SwissTech Convention Center has secured the coveted title this month! Here's what Diego had to say:


How is the ICCA database beneficial for your work/organisation?

It is a very powerful tool because it allows us to access a lot of details about events and organizations that we are interested in. Thanks to the ICCA BI database we save a lot of time since all important information is centralized.

Do you have any tips for your fellow ICCA members?

Always search for a specific association with the first letter of each word and between the characters -. Like this: -XXXX-, it’s very accurate and speeds up the process for me to find specific organizations or series. If you fill in whole words the searches can be less accurate and will therefore show you more nonrelevant results.

What positive message would you like to share with ICCAWorld.

For my new role I moved 4 months ago into a new language region where I didn’t have a lot of social contacts, at the beginning I was a bit overwhelmed since my brain had to cope with a lot of changes. Now I feel everyday more at ease being here. My message is simple: be open to change, embrace it and adapt! Therefore having a open mind is for me a crucial skill in today’s everchanging world.