The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) is a global not-for-profit membership organization of over 4,000 physicians, scientists and other healthcare professionals advancing the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic and bleeding disorders.

Since its inception in 1954, the Society is dedicated to transformative scientific discoveries and clinical practices, the development of young professionals and the education of physicians, scientists and allied health professionals wherever they may live.

At the ISTH, we initiate and promote education and outreach initiatives, research activities, scientific meetings, peer-reviewed publications, expert committees and the development of standards allowing a common language and approach to basic and clinical science all over the world.

Bleeding and clotting disorders represent significant burdens of disease and primarily encompass inherited (such as hemophilia) or acquired bleeding disorders and thrombosis.

To raise awareness about thrombosis specifically, ISTH launched World Thrombosis Day (observed annually on 13 October) to increase global awareness about the causes, risk factors, signs/symptoms and evidence-based prevention and treatment or thrombosis. Ultimately, WTD strives to reduce death and disability caused by the condition.

Standardization, Nomenclature and Guidance

The ISTH’s Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC) brings together internationally recognized leaders to promote education and set international standards in research methods, clinical practice and nomenclature. The SSC is made up of 20 subcommittees relating to specialties within the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis.

In addition, ISTH SSC Subcommitttees also develop and publish guidance documents on clinical and laboratory matters

Educational Activities

  • Training and Education Courses – between 3 and 5 such training and education courses take place annually in countries around the world. The ISTH works with national societies as well as established experts around the world to offer educational courses customized to the needs, cultures and learning styles of target participants. These courses are typically held in Reach-the-World countries (selected based on World Bank economic classification).
  • ISTH Workshops: taking place two to four times per year, ISTH Workshops provide the latest training in biological and clinical aspects of thrombosis and hemostasis. Small, three-day interactive workshops with global experts allow participants to interact with the leading international scientists on a specific topic providing career enhancing opportunities.
  • Fellowships – ISTH awards up to 10 training fellowship grants per year for training
  • ISTH Academy – Hundreds of recorded webinars, presentations, online courses, abstracts and journal articles are provided online at

ISTH Congresses

ISTH Congresses and SSC Meetings are the foremost global meetings in thrombosis, hemostasis and vascular biology.

At the ISTH congresses, thousands of the world’s leading experts come together to present the most recent advances, exchange the latest science and discuss the newest clinical applications designed to improve patient care.  

Typically attracting around 8,000 participants, future ISTH congresses will take place:

  • Berlin, Germany: July 8-13, 2017
  • Dublin, Ireland: July 17-21, 2018 (last stand-alone SSC meeting)
  • Melbourne, Australia: 2019 (exact dates to be announced)

Scientific/Medical Publications3935

ISTH publishes two leading medical/scientific journals - The Journal of Thrombosisand Haemostasis (JTH) and the new open access journal Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH). Both publications are rigorously peer-reviewed journals that publish a broad array articles on topics in thrombosis, hemostasis and related areas.