Stephanie de La Rochefoucauld, Executive Director - introducing her association
1. When was your association founded?
2. Where is your association based, how many members do you have & in how many countries?
- Paris, France
- 90+ member societies
- Global
3. Who are your members?
IBRO is the global federation of neuroscience organizations established in 1961 that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, teaching, research, outreach and engagement activities, and the publication of our two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Reports.
More than 90 international, regional and national scientific organizations constitute IBRO’s Governing Council which, together with the IBRO Executive Committee and five Regional Committees, address the needs and advance the work of individual scientists and research communities everywhere.
In addition, IBRO has partnerships with like-minded scientific societies and organizations to identify priorities and help bridge gaps in knowledge, investment and resources in the field of brain research.
4. What is your mission & aim of the association?
The IBRO Mission is to:
- develop, support, coordinate and promote scientific research in all fields concerning the brain
- promote international collaboration and exchange of scientific information on brain research throughout the world
- provide for and assist in education and dissemination of information relating to brain research
5. What are the major challenges facing your association?
- Ethics in science and publishing.
- Advocacy for research.
- Declining levels of funding from society and governments.
6. What kind of events are organised by your association?
World Congress, symposia and workshops, regional meetings, neuroscience training schools
7. What is the decision process behind the selection of a destination/venue?
- High level of science in the region
- Ease of access
- Safety and security
8. Can you share your insights about the latest trends within the association community?
As a global neuroscience federation dedicated to the promotion of neuroscience around the world, IBRO was chosen by several leading neuroscience societies in 2012 to lead a collaborative effort in support of advocacy programmes across the world’s regions. The Global Advocacy Initiative was thus launched to facilitate the development of culturally relevant educational and motivational programs that would garner wider support for neuroscience research.
Now known as the Global Engagement Initiative since 2018, participating partners recognise that our efforts not only support advocacy but also outreach and awareness activities that have a broader and more inclusive reach. IBRO works in close collaboration with SfN, FENS, The Dana Foundation, the Japan Neuroscience Society, the Australasian Neuroscience Society and others to keep developing effective and impactful strategies that inform and inspire people about neuroscience.
9. What does your association do in terms of legacy, do your meetings have a societal impact on the destination?
- International Brain Bee targeted to high school students.
- Lab visits for international fellows who attend large regional and world congresses.
10. Are you looking to forge collaborations with other associations? If so in what areas of expertise?
Neuroscience, advocacy and engagement, international brain initiatives.
For more information on IBRO please check their website: