This article was originally published by our partner The Iceberg as part of the Incredible Impacts Programme, a programme collaboratively supported by ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance that celebrates the "beyond tourism" value of international association meetings. It has been featured below in full with their permission. 

In November 2017, the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) welcomed a record number of delegates to its 56th annual congress. Almost 1,300 members, including more than 40 association executives, travelled to Prague for four days of education, chapter meetings and networking.

During the event, the inaugural winners of the “Incredible Impacts” grants supported by both ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance were announced at a session called “A celebration of the beyond tourism impact”. The three winning international associations have each made legacy a central part of their thinking and activities.

The Iceberg is currently running a series of videos recorded at the event which celebrate “Incredible Impacts” and the wider effects meetings have on a destination and its region. In this fourth video of the series, the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) discusses its grant-winning approach to creating legacy.

WCPT’s congress is the largest global gathering of physical therapists. It is where the latest research and best practice is shared in a bid to bring about positive change to world health. The association places a heavy emphasis on enabling knowledge transfer between its attending and non-attending audiences, through the effective use of social media and also by sharing outcomes from proceedings free of charge post event. The legacy of WCPT’s congress is the result of many of its efforts: public outreach, fundraising for pubic engagement in physical activity, a school competition getting pupils to create movement break videos, and the “Gift of Congress” programme supporting delegates from under-resourced countries.

Incredible Impacts Video Four: the World Confederation for Physical Therapy.

Part one of this series – “Incredible Impacts: The Winners’ Stories” – is here.

Part two of this series – “Incredible Impacts: Making a Mark” – is here.

Part three of this series – “Incredible Impacts: World Parkinson Coalition” – is here.

The Iceberg‘s video feature on “Incredible Impacts” – published after its IMEX launch in May –  is here.

Association Meetings International’s coverage of the “Incredible Impacts” winners – published in November –  is here.

Apply for an Incredible Impacts Grant to communicate the value of your association meetings

The Incredible Impacts Programme celebrates the “beyond tourism” value of international association meetings to create a powerful platform to advocate their positive societal impact. A panel of independent judges form the association world will determine which meetings have proven impact to award three grants of USD 7,500 on behalf of BestCities Global Alliance and ICCA.

Nominations should be sent to ICCA’s Director of Association Relations Mrs. Ksenija Polla, CMP by email

For more information about the Incredible Impacts Programme, please visit: