ICCA events for 2024 will focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Sustainability and most importantly, belongingness of our global community. By creating an extraordinary programme – with more events to be progressively added – we will shape the look and feel of our industry, forging a dynamic pathway into 2024 and beyond. This is your opportunity to be part of a series of unique experiences where knowledge, networking, and collaboration can bring about real and effective change at a global, regional, and local level. 


As a participant, please mark your diary for these key dates. And as host, or as an organisation that wants to be integrally involved in an exclusive ICCA event, we have opportunities available now.  

If you want to know more, contact your Regional Director. There are also exciting branding and sponsorship opportunities available too, and we will be delighted to discuss them further. 


ICCA is stronger than ever. 2024 is going to be an amazing year. Make sure you are part of the ever-evolving ICCA success story.