We are calling for candidates who are interested in standing for election for the following vacancies on the ICCA Board of Directors. Elections will take place at the ICCA General Assembly 2024 which will take place on Sunday 20 October 2024 in Abu Dhabi.

  • Presidency
  • Sector: Destination Marketing (one of the two seats)
  • Sector: Transport
  • Sector: Meetings Management
  • Sector: Venues
  • Geographic Representative: Africa
  • Geographic Representative: Asia Pacific
  • Geographic Representative: Europe



Presidency – one vacancy

  • Marta Gomes comes to the end of her two-year term and can stand for re-election.

Destination Marketing one vacancy

  • Aileen Crawford comes to the end of her term and cannot stand for re-election.

Transport - one vacancy

  • Marta Wisniewska comes to the end of her two-year elected term and can stand for re-election.  

Meetings Management – two vacancies

  • Eyal Halevy comes to the end of his term and cannot stand for re-election.  
  • Anna Gorska comes to the end of her two-year elected term and can stand for re-election. 

Venues – two vacancies

  • Jonas Scharf comes to the end of his two-year elected term and can stand for re-election.  
  • Carina Montagut comes to the end of her two-year elected term and can stand for re-election.
Geographical Representatives

Geographic – Africa – one vacancy

  • Lindiwe Rakharebe  comes to the end of her two-year term and can stand for re-election.

Geographic – Asia Pacific– one vacancy

  • Frank Yang comes to the end of his two-year term and can stand for re-election.

Geographic – Europe  – one vacancy

  • Christoph Tessmar comes to the end of his two-year term and can stand for re-election.
Nominations for Sector Representation

Candidates who intend to stand for election or re-election for the following Sectors vacancies on the ICCA Board: Destination Marketing, transport, Meetings Management or Venues; must be the primary contact of the member organisation, must be employed by the ICCA Member and be on the payroll of the member organisation and must be present at the General Assembly where the election shall take place. Their organisation should be members in good financial standing with ICCA (the current years’ membership fee should have been paid).

They should inform ICCA Head Office via governance@iccaworld.org that they wish to stand for election or re-election, together with a support letter from their company. They should be duly nominated and seconded in writing by two members of the Sector they represent, who are the primary contact for the member organisation who is in financial good standing with ICCA (the current year’s membership fee should have been paid).  This must be received at ICCA Head Office no later than Monday 19 August, 5pm CET. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure their candidacy is complete. Any incomplete candidacy will be rejected.


Nominations for Geographical Representation 

Candidates who intend to stand for election for the following geographical regions vacancies on the ICCA Board: Africa, Asia Pacific and Europe; must be the primary contact of the member organisation, must be employed by the ICCA Member and be on the payroll of the member organisation, must be based in that specific region, and must be present at the General Assembly where the election shall take place. Their organisation should be members in good financial standing with ICCA (the current years’ membership fee should have been paid).

They should inform ICCA Head Office of their intention to stand as the Geographical Representative via governance@iccaworld.org, together with a support letter from their company. They should be duly nominated and seconded in writing by any member in any Sector based in their specific region who are the primary contact for the member organisation, who is in financial good standing with ICCA (the current year’s membership fee should have been paid). This must be received at ICCA Head Office no later than Monday 19 August 2024, 5pm CET. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure their candidacy is complete. Any incomplete candidacy will be rejected.


A list of candidates with their nominator and seconder will be communicated to the ICCA Members no later than 23 August 2024.


NOTE: there are no elections for the following Sectors/Geographic Regions/Board Seats in 2024:

  • Sector: Destination Marketing (one seat)
  • Sector: Meetings Support
  • Geographic Representative: Latin America
  • Geographic Representative: Middle East
  • Geographic Representative: North America

Please send your application to governance@iccaworld.org if you are interested to stand for election for one of the above-mentioned vacancies on the ICCA Board of Directors. Your application must be received at ICCA Head Office no later than Monday 19 August 2024, 5pm CET.

If you have any questions regarding the election procedures, please contact Natasza Tardio at ICCA Head Office via governance@iccaworld.org