We are featuring someone from the ICCA Association Community and ask them to share their vision, mission, thoughts and feelings about the work they do… and the kind of people they are.

This will help give members real insight into the heart of our association community… and the people they wish to connect with. This time 

Noemi San Emeterio Huang , Education and Events Director, EBMT


Please explain to us in a few sentences, what does EBMT do?

The EBMT is a non-profit medical and scientific organisation. Our community of healthcare professionals are focused on innovation, research and the advancement of cellular and stem cell-based therapies to save and improve the lives of patients with blood-related disorders. As one of the leading medical and scientific organisations for cellular and stem cell-based therapies, we aim to be the connection between patients, scientific community and other stakeholders to anticipate the future of our field.

Why did you join the ICCA Association Community?

We were looking for a way to collaborate, connect and learn from other event professionals in order to bring our events and team to new heights.

Iteresting facts about EBMT?

1. The EBMT was established in 1974 by its three founders during a skiing trip in Switzerland.
2. As of 2023, the EBMT Registry has acquired data on over 800,000 HSCT procedures as well as data on over 4,000 patients that received CAR T-cell therapy.
3. The Annual Meeting of the EBMT is the most important annual event for research and education in the field of blood and marrow transplantation and cellular therapy in Europe. It attracts more than 5,500 participants, including international experts, scientists, physicians, nurses, statisticians, clinical research technicians, patients and processing laboratory personnel.

What is the one thing EBMT has changed after the pandemic or are there any interesting stories?

We offer hybrid options for our Annual Meeting and some of our educational events, and employees of the EBMT can enjoy working in a hybrid environment.

What is your top tip to other association professionals going into 2023?

Participate in activities where you are able to meet and engage with other people in the industry. Everyone knows something that you don't, so stay curious and keep building up your network.