The ICCA team is incredibly excited about the programme we are putting together for ICCA IMEX week. We can’t wait to share our content, insights, and knowledge with you when we all meet together in Frankfurt.

We welcome you at our booth G400. 

Make sure you've saved the date in your calendar so you can:

  • Join meaningful global conversations
  • Meet influential industry peers
  • Speed up your business with genuine networking opportunities
  • Learn more about the latest trends shaping our industry across the world
  • Participate in ICCA's famous global business exchange


ICCA IMEX Week Programme:

The one and only:

  • Association Expert Seminar (AES): 20 - 22 May.

AES 2023 offers a unique opportunity for suppliers to understand client objectives and business cultures, and for association executives to understand how to negotiate with, and understand the objectives of, suppliers enabling both sides to establish stronger and more productive business relationships. Check out the event website for more.

A full programme on Monday 22 May:

  • 11:30 to 12:00 - ICCA Welcome
  • 12:00 to 12:45 - The ICCA Plenary: Transformation of Meetings in the Future and the Sustainable Growth of Destinations 
  • 13:30 to 14:30 - Sector Meetings
  • 14:45 to 15:30 - Chapter Meetings
  • 15:45 to 17:15 - Global Business Exchange
  • 16:00 to 17:30 - ICCA Global Advocacy Alliance Forum*
  • 17:30 to 19:30 - IMEX Association Social* at the Marriott Frankfurt Hotel

*on invitation only

Check out what is happening at the ICCA booth from Tuesday 23 May to Thursday 25 May:

  • Educational sessions
  • Database trainings
  • Face-to-face appointments with ICCA specialists
  • Congress 2023 entertainment from host destination: Bangkok, Thailand
  • ICCA networking reception,in collaboration with ASAE Wednesday 24 May from 15:00

Don't forget to RSVP to confirm your attendance, just click here.

Note: separate registration is needed for the IMEX Association Social.