Everything ICCA members need to know about using local champions to build success in the international association meeting sector.
ICCA Has developed two publications: Congress Ambassador Programmes and The Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Meetings and Events.
1. Congress Ambassador Programmes
The publication is designed to draw ICCA members’ attention to the fundamental principles that underlie the most successful versions of these schemes, and to highlight the range of options that can be incorporated into the different models. It can be used as a reference guide when setting up a new programme from scratch or for planning the future evolution of an existing programme, or for identifying practical ideas for small-scale improvement. For it to be fully effective, it is vitally important that any Ambassador Programme is designed as an integrated element of a destination or venue’s strategic plan for attracting international association meetings, rather than as a stand-alone project. The other research, sales and marketing activities aimed at this market sector should complement the Ambassador Programme and not work in isolation, since there are many different factors and sales-related activities that determine bidding success and many other decision-making and decision influencing individuals to target.
Download "Congress Ambassador Programmes"
2. The Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Meetings and Events
This report presents the findings of a cooperative project undertaken by ICCA and Victoria University into the role ‘Ambassadors’ play in bidding for international meetings and events. The study provides insights into a topic for which limited research has been undertaken – that of the bidding process for business events in general and more specifically, the motives of Ambassadors in becoming active bidders for international meetings and events.
Download "Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Meetings and Events"