ICCA World and AC Forum (Associations and Conference Forum) are delighted to announce the findings from our joint initiative to help define and shape the Future of Healthcare Meetings. 

This radical collaboration sets down best practices for global meetings in science and healthcare. With an incredible 37% of all association meetings linked to this vitally important area, our timely and relevant initiative showcases how we can re-imagine what we do to meet the growing demands of an ever-changing world.

To recap, ICCA World and AC Forums invited influential healthcare professionals, healthcare association leaders, and meeting suppliers to Cannes for two days in July… to talk, think and do, all things healthcare. Through a series of talks, initiatives, and workshops, we ascertained what key requirements and provisions are required to transform our meetings into wholly experiential educational events. 

Our discussions covered:

  • How can we build a common understanding of both the barriers and the opportunities presented when it comes to compliance and accreditation for healthcare meetings.
  • Defining what healthcare meetings may look like in a post-Pandemic world.
  • Bridging the generation gap and ensuring the next generation of healthcare professionals have access to fit and purposeful platform for their voices.
  • Working across international timelines.
  • Breaking the traditional structures of how meetings are staged.
  • Creating transformative events that live long in the collective memory and leave a lasting legacy.


To read our findings click here

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It was the first joint working initiative between ICCA and AC Forum,  and we are eager to continue the important conversations between the international associations and others in the healthcare industry. Transformation is happening and will continue in the coming years,  it is up to us to follow this carefully and keep the communication going.