1. Access to, and exclusive networking opportunities with, potential advertisers and respected spokespersons in the international meetings industry.
Senior executives play an active role in ICCA membership, so you get to meet decision makers and budget holders, who are your potential advertisers and respected spokespersons in the international meetings industry who can provide you with relevant input for your articles.
Networking opportunities include events such as the ICCA Congress and ICCA Association Meetings Programme and ICCA networking receptions at tradeshows. ICCA press members can profile themselves using speaking opportunities and sponsorship programmes at ICCA events.
2. Access to association meeting planners (potential subscribers) through the ICCA Association Database and ICCA Association Resource.
The ICCA Association Database is designed to perfectly suit the marketing information needs of suppliers in the international meeting business. The Association Database Online provides a historical overview of thousands of association meetings, plus current contact addresses. It is a user-friendly tool with easy search capabilities, updated daily and free to all members, password protected.
ICCA Association Resource is an online resource and e-newsletter designed to promote your products and services to over 6,000 Association Meeting Planners worldwide.
3. Profiling of ICCA press members to ICCA member colleagues in the ICCA PR Kit.
The ICCA PR Kit is a listing of the leading media (magazines, websites, e-newsletters) in the international meetings industry which functions as a press list and is available to all ICCA members (who are your potential advertisers!).
In order to give ICCA press members clear business advantages over the non-member press listed, and to encourage the exchange of business amongst ICCA members, ICCA offers ICCA press members a highlighted profile in the ICCA PR Kit
4. Exclusive access to the ICCA Congress (non-member press cannot attend), including interview opportunities with ICCA President and CEO and ICCA members, plus free access to pictures taken by the official photographers, during the congress.
5. One free registration to the ICCA Congress and the Association Meetings Programme (AMP) for editorial staff every year.
6. Early and exclusive access to the full ICCA Statistics Reports and Destination Comparison Reports.
The ICCA Statistics Reports are based on the ICCA Association Database, which means the figures cover meetings organised by international associations which take place on a regular basis and which rotate between a minimum of three countries.
Each year, the city and country rankings are highly anticipated by the international meetings industry. The full reports are only available to members via the ICCA Statistics Tool in the My ICCA section. Members also get exclusive first access to the figures, before non-member press, which means ICCA press members get the opportunity to do exclusive articles on the figures.
The ICCA Statistics Tool is an online tool with which you can compare the meeting statistics of five destinations (cities or countries) of your choice over the last 50+ years. This provides a great resource for background information on destinations or even as a starting point for articles on specific destinations.
7. ICCA Membership Directory.
The ICCA Membership Directory is a comprehensive listing of all ICCA members with a description of the destination, their products, services, contact names and addresses. It is available in hard copy format and Online.
Hard copies are distributed to thousands international associations responsible for organising international meetings and to suppliers from all over the world. Only ICCA members can advertise in this Directory. The Online Membership Directory promotes ICCA members on the ICCA Website and is often referred to as the "Yellow Pages" in the international meetings industry, listing contact names and addresses.
8. Profile yourself as an ICCA member.
The ICCA member logo represents high quality and experienced international meeting suppliers. As an ICCA member you can use the ICCA member logo in all your marketing material, like advertisements, website. stand displays, etc. All ICCA members receive a yearly Membership Certificate.
9. Market Intelligence.
ICCA frequently performs online surveys on the international (association) meetings market amongst meeting planners and ICCA members (suppliers).
10. Promotion of ICCA members via ICCA stand at tradeshows.
ICCA has a stand at most international meetings industry related tradeshows worldwide, via which it promotes ICCA members.
Apply for ICCA membership now!
If your organisation is involved in international meetings and you wish to benefit from the business opportunities that ICCA membership offers you:
- Complete the application form for the sector of membership you would like to join (the application form can be requested from ICCA Head Office).
- Once this is signed and returned, a confirmation will be sent to you plus an invoice for the Entrance Fee and first year Membership Fee.
- Your application will be at the same time sent to the ICCA Board of Directors for approval
NB ICCA membership becomes official only upon approval by the ICCA Board of Directors and payment of the Entrance and first year Membership Fee.
If you would like to receive a copy of an application form please contact Patricia Soen, Director Membership and send her some details on your company. She will send you an application form for the specific sector your company belongs to.